Final APTA Approved Transit Elevator Escalator Standards
Tags: maintenance, licensing, apta
This document contains standards for a fully accredited Elevator/Escalator Apprenticeship Program.
Click on one of the titles below for full description and downloadable files associated with each facilities maintenance training standard.
This document contains standards for a fully accredited Elevator/Escalator Apprenticeship Program.
As of 2007, 25 states have adopted formal elevator and escalator maintenance licensing requirements. The transit agency response correspondingly reflects this regulatory environment, as each agency attempts to develop training specific to their regulating authority. The result is largely an unfunded mandate with which no single transit company can afford to comply. This brief description of the dilemma faced by the industry illustrates the urgent need for national guidelines and related training programs.
The purpose of these National Guidelines for Apprenticeship Standards (National Guideline Standards) is to provide policy and guidance to local Sponsors in developing these Standards for Apprenticeship for local approval and registration.
The Transit Training Network uses technology to enable learning and sharing of training resources across agencies to strengthen training for transit’s frontline workforce.

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