Career Pathways


An Up-To-Date Analysis of Future Workforce Needs in Transit

Working with Jobs for the Future, the Department of Transportation, and the Office of Career, Technical & Adult Education, the Transportation Learning Center has created an in-depth presentation of future workforce needs in the transit industry.

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Pathways to Equity

​Through the generous support of the Rockefeller Foundation, The Leadership Conference Education Fund awarded a seed grant to The Transportation Learning Center for the research, writing and production of this report. Description of two Career Pathways programs - the Los Angeles Metro Project Labor Agreement in construction and Philadelphia’s Summer Youth program and Career Conference are at the core of this examination of partnerships that lead to career Pathways in transportation.

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Transit Bus Exhaust Emissions and Costs Making the Right Decision for a Small City

​​This module was developed by the Transportation Learning Center at the request of West Virginia’s State Department of Education’s Career and Technical Education program to be used with high school students interested in the statewide program’s Transportation specialization.

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Highway Grade Crossing Safety and Costs Making the Right Decision for a Small City

This module was developed by the Transportation Learning Center at the request of West Virginia’s State Department of Education’s Career and Technical Education program to be used with high school students interested in the statewide program’s Transportation specialization.

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The Promise of Career Pathways Systems Change and Career Pathways Toolkit

Prepared by Jobs for the Future, the paper focuses on the various roles and actions that Workforce Investment Act (WIA) systems, including state and local Workforce Investment Boards, One-Stop Career Centers, and service providers, can undertake with other system partners in the development and implementation of successful career pathways systems. It supplements the Career Pathways Toolkit developed by Social Policy Research Associates for the Departmentof Labor, also linked in below, as part of the broader technical assistance initiative, providing examples of workforce systems that are involved in career pathways activities.

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Transit Summer Youth Programs Provide Career Pathways Experience in Boston and Philadelphia

This is a weekly update story from the Transportation Learning Center on the Boston and Philadelphia youth summer programs graduation ceremonies.

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Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics Competency Model

​The competency model for Transportation, Distribution and Logistics developed by U.S. DOL’s Employment and Training Administration (DOL/ETA) and DOT captures the common competencies and skills that cut across transportation sectors and occupations.

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High School to Transit Industry Connections Concept Paper

​This proposal is an outline for a pilot program for a transit career pipeline for 11th grade high school students to enter into the public transportation industry.

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Denver Regional Transportation District Workforce Initiative Now Program

​The regional Workforce Initiative Now (WIN) is a collaborative partnership between RTD, Community College of Denver, Denver Transit Partners (DTP) and the Urban League of Metropolitan Denver. WIN helps job seekers, companies, and local communities through the creation of career opportunities in the transportation and construction industries.

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Mountwest Community & Technical College

​The Transportation Technology program provides a specialized distance learning education and training for the student or current industry employee having an interest in the transportation field.

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Infrastructure Investments and Latino and African American Job Creation

​A report by the Economic Policy Institute on meeting infrastructure needs and creating jobs for Latino and African Americans.

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The Short and Long Term Impact of Infrastructure Investments on Employment and Economic Activity

​A report by the Economic Policy Institute on infrastructure investments impact on employment and the economy.

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The Labor Market Impact of Targeted Investments in Transportation Infrastructure

​A report by the Economic Policy Institute on how the labor market impacts transportation infrastructure investments.

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Advancing Career and Technical Education Programs

​These materials, provided by the Department of Education’s Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education, address a range of standards and programs related to Advancing Career and Technical Education.

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Advancing CTE in State and Local Career Pathways Systems

​This paper provided by the Department of Education’s Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education, address a range of standards and programs related to Advancing Career and Technical Education.

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National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS) Overview

​This document and its links describe one of the existing organizations that conducts evaluations of non-collegiate training for the purpose of making college credit recommendations based on college credit equivalencies.

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Registered Apprenticeship and the Registered Apprenticeship Community College Program

​Registered Apprenticeships constitute a significant component of Pathways into good jobs, including transit and transportation generally. These links from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Apprenticeship provides an interactive PowerPoint and other information on the Registered Apprenticeship system , as well as a recent initiative to connect community colleges and academic credit organizations with Registered Apprenticeships.

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Keystone Proposed High School Curriculum Overview

​In 2004, the Keystone Transit Career Ladder Partnership (Transit Partnership) commissioned Educational Data Systems, Inc. (EDSI) to design curriculum for high school students to prepare for a career at the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA). The program prepares the student to enter into an apprenticeship or entry-level position leading to SEPTA 3rd Class Vehicle & Equipment Mechanic position.

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Shop Class Not for Slackers as Mechanics Out-Earns Peers

​This Bloomsberg News article provides basic data about earnings for CTE students out of high school.

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Women are Majoring in the Lower Paying STEM Fields

This FiveThrityEight article provides data about the gender divide for STEM majors.


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Issue Briefing: Building Effective Education and Training for America’s Workers

​College or apprenticeship? Drafted in response to President Obama’s challenge for all Americans to complete at least one year of post-secondary education or training, this issue brief shows that graduates of apprenticeship and sector training programs actually have higher earning potential than graduates of community colleges.

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EPI Presentation on the Transit Jobs and the Relationship between Infrastructure Investment and Jobs

​These Economic Policy Institute slides that accompany the September 17 conference presentation highlight infrastructure investment impact on Hispanic and African-American jobs and the wage distribution of a range of transit jobs.

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Fulfilling The Promise Of a Quality Education for All: 21st Century Career & Technical Education

​This links you to information about an October 2013 conference sponsored by the United Federation of Teachers and the Albert Shanker Institute, titled, “Fulfilling The Promise Of a Quality Education for All: 21st Century Career & Technical Education.” Of particular interest is the link to the Policy Statement on A Quality Education For All: A Career and Technical Education Policy Agenda.

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WOW Examples of Career Pathways

​Materials provided by Wider Opportunities for Women focuses on gender issues related to Career Pathways.

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Career Pathways Definition of a Model

These slides, part of Jobs for the Future’s presentation on the 17th, include the Administration’s definition of Career Pathways, as well as a visual of a comprehensive Career Pathways system developed for the project on Advancing Career and Technical Education in Career Pathways Systems.

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Obtaining Academic Credit for Transit Training

​This is a Center report on the efforts during the FTA Innovative Workforce Development project to introduce project participants to ways to obtain academic credit for registered apprenticeships.

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Public Transportation Syllabus

This is a ​college-level Public Transportation syllabus for a course taught by Dr.Jill Hough based on a curriculum developed by Dr, Hough and others through the American Public Transportation Association (APTA).

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Detailed Core Curriculum Outline for Frontline Workers in Transit

​This is a core curriculum outline for frontline workers in transit developed by EDSI and KDP.

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Performance Measurement Report

T​his is a comprehensive report detailing the metrics and hypothesis evaluated within the FTA Innovative Workforce Development grant funded project: Career Pathways and Career Ladders for the Frontline Workforce: Innovative Models Leveraging Training Standards and Stakeholder Engagement.

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Career Pathways and Career Ladder Final Report

​​This is a final report detailing all of the activities of the Career Pathways and Career Ladders FTA Innovative Workforce Grant.

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